No Justice for Puppy Murdered in Dishwasher

While there is certainly no shortage of animal cruelty stories, one in particular that was posted recently has without a doubt affected many members of the Care2 community (myself included) as evidenced by the many heartfelt comments posted. It is for that reason that I have decided that someone needs to start a petition.

The title of the article that brought so much attention from Care2's compassionate followers is as follows: " Man Puts Helpless Puppy in Running Dishwasher, Kills Him."

The article is available on the Care2 site for anyone to read, so rather than rehash the horrid details here I'll just post the current law regarding punishment for such a heinous crime. According to the Attorney General: "Cruelty to any animal is a Class B misdemeanor with a fine of not more than $3,000 or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months or both fine and imprisonment."

For those who believe that the above is 'just' punishment for what happened to this poor helpless puppy I urge you to check your compassion level. For the rest of us, I urge you to sign this petition and ask our entire judicial system to place cases of animal cruelty into the "felony" category. In all honesty, if it were up to me, the man who committed this heinous crime would never see the light of day again. Since I realize that our system will never agree to such a strict punishment, I do hope that the punishment for such crimes will no longer be so ridiculously lenient. This was not only an act of unbelievable cruelty, but an act that could only be committed by an individual who has no conscience. Do we really want those like Marcus Curry free to do this again to another helpless animal??? At the very least he should get the MAXIMUM penalty. Please don't let this helpless puppy's death be in vain? Lets do something about this before it happens again and again and again!

If you're tired of animal cruelty cases that result in ridiculously lenient sentences for the abusers / murderers, I urge you to sign this petition. What this man did to this helpless puppy is nothing less than an act of pure evil ....

Uppdatera #310 år sedan

Man Puts Puppy in Dishwasher and Kills It

Hello Care 2 Friends - Thanks to everyone who has signed. MANY more signatures are needed before I can send it to the attorney general. Will everyone PLEASE help me promote it by sending it to everyone you can? Thanks!

Uppdatera #210 år sedan

If anyone believes that the punishment dealt out to the man who tortured and murdered a helpless puppy is "just" then there's not much I can say about that. From his photo, he hardly seems to be remorseful. For the rest of us who are angry, frustrated, and disgusted with regards to this man's lenient sentence, please continue to pass the important petition around. I THANK YOU !!!!!!!!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
I want to THANK each and every one of you for signing this petition. Just thinking about the manner in which this poor helpless puppy died in such an agonizing way continues to sicken me every time I think about it. As animal lovers we MUST ensure that heinous crimes such as this one do not go unpunished. I thank you all again and would greatly appreciate if all of you would continue to forward this petition along to anyone and everyone you know. Thanks again !!!!!
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