My dog, David, and I urgently need your support—please help me bring David home.On Sunday, September 6, 2020 a Franklin County Dog Warden grabbed David's leash and ripped him out of my hands while we stood on our front steps. The Warden claimed he had a search warrant and was seizing David because of a dog bite that allegedly occurred days earlier.In the days prior, both myself and one of my attorneys had been in nearly constant contact with Franklin County Animal Care and Control. I was ordered to quarantine David, which I complied with. We demanded information about the bite and were repeatedly refused. The Warden would not even give us basic information like the date of the bite, the location of the bite, who the "victim" was, and whether the bite required medical attention.I suspected what "bite" the Warden was talking about and I was sure it did not happen, and I had a witness. The Warden refused to interview that witness.When my attorney left my house on Sunday after meeting with the Warden, the Wardenreturned. It was as though he was waiting for my attorney to leave. It was then that the Warden snatched David from me, surrounded by multiple other law enforcement officers. The Warden claimed in his warrant that he was seizing David for "dog at large" and "hindering the capture of an unregistered dog." David was not at large and had a current registration with Franklin County—proof of which was previously provided to him. David is my whole world. He is a pet, but also more than that. David is my emotional support dog. I know that people misuse the title of "emotional support dog," however, David is truly mine. Two years ago, my fiancé untimely and tragically passed away. I was the one who found him and attempted to resuscitate him. I developed debilitating and disabling PTSD. David was my fiancé's dog. I took David in and together, we worked to mitigate the effects of the tragedy that we had both experienced.Together with David, I was doing well managing the manifestations of my PTSD. After David was taken from me, my PTSD symptoms came roaring back. I have experienced multiple panic attacks and fainting spells and was prescribed medication. Before taking David, Franklin County was told that he is my emotional support dog and knew that my emotional wellbeing is at stake.We have demanded that David be returned and Franklin County has refused. There is no pending court date and I have not been issued any citations. They have demanded I pay $100 as a "security" bond and pay additional undetermined and unlisted costs for them to continue impounding him at the shelter. They say if I fail to pay, David will be automatically forfeited to the shelter. Franklin County still refuses to give us any information about the "bite," yet has declared David to be a "dangerous dog."
The pain I feel is unbearable. There was no reason for David to be taken from me and no reason that the Warden has refused to provide us with any information. David is a good boy. He loves his friends and family, going to doggie daycare, and snuggling with his mom. Now he is alone and scared at a dog shelter with no end in sight. David is alsoon special prescription food, which I have attempted to notify the shelter about multiple times. He is likely becoming sicker by the day without it. Even worse, given what has already happened, I am scared that Franklin County will euthanize David.We are filing a lawsuit against Franklin County to seek David's release and address what we believe to be illegal conduct of the Franklin County Dog Warden. We need your signatures and support to show that the people of the community believe David should be returned to me immediately.
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