Stop Destroying Animal Habitats! They Deserve To Live!

One of the biggest and major problems for wildlife is habitat loss. Animals need their habitats, and we aren't helping! We need to stop this. Animals deserve to live in their own habitat and be protected in their own habitat. We need to help them!
Around 15 billion trees are cut down each year... it's insane! We need to lower that percentage. Yes, we need paper and other things, but surely we can still get it without having to cut down 15,000,000,000 trees a year!
Habitat loss is the biggest threat to 85% of animal species. This is way too much. It's also basically to biggest problem for wildlife. Think about it, if we just stopped destroying so many animal habitats, so many animals could be saved. Animals need our help, after all, they were here before us!
Join in with the cause to stop habitat loss! We need to come together to make this happen!

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