Save the last virgin, untouched forest in Europe!

  • av: Stefan Veronescu
  • mottagare: The head of the corporation Holzindustrie Schweighofer and the Romanian Parliament

We need to gather signatures to place the laws of deforestation in Romania, this laws have flaws and are poorly written, thus the Retezat National Park, which has the last virgin forest, untouched by man in Romania, risks to have its trees cut down by a foreign corporation for the wood. This must end now, the malpractice of the money owners mustn't be allowed, only by unity we can save our environment and therefore rescue our climate and Mother Earth's lungs, the forest. These trees have no guilt in their fate. Sign if you want to put into serious discussion a law regarding deforestation in Romania, a law that can stop these greedy lumberjacks.

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