Stand Up for Streams: Don't Let the Senate Roll Back the President's Clean Water Rule

The Obama administration just released the Clean Water Rule, ensuring that the nation's wetlands, rivers and creeks are protected under the Clean Water Act. This move by the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers will provide the country with $572 million in benefits to the nation every single year, and help protect the waters that we rely on for swimming, fishing, and drinking every single day.

Unfortunately, polluters and their allies in Congress are already working to overturn the rule. In fact, the House had passed a bill to rollback key provisions of the rule two weeks before it was even released! Now it's up to the Senate, and most importantly, it's up to us.

Let's stand up for the waters of the United States, and the amazing wildlife that rely upon these wetlands and streams for healthy habitats. Tell your senator you support the Clean Water Rule, and make sure they listen to us, not Big Ag, developers, and polluters that are funding their campaigns and demanding this rollback.

Every day, we depend on clean water that's safe for swimming, fishing, and drinking. The Obama administration recently restored Clean Water Act protections to streams that feed our rivers, lakes, and bays, and help provide drinking water for one in three Americans. 

This is a critically important step forward for clean water and I urge you to do whatever you can to make sure it stands.

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