His Abandoned Dog Tried to Escape Starvation by Chewing Through a Door. It Didn't Work.

A man in Florida intentionally starved three animals to death, locking them in the home, and then abandoning them. No one would have known - except that the house was sold, and its new owners discovered the dead pets' skeletons.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

When the house's new owners walked in after buying the property at auction, they were shocked and horrified.

In one bedroom, they found the bones of a dead dog. In other rooms, they found yet another dog - this time mummified - as well as a cat's skeletal remains.

Meanwhile, the rooms had feces piled up in them without any traces of food or water.

Experts examined the home and feces, and determined that the animals had become so desperately hungry, they had begun eating fabric and furniture in the house. The local sheriff's office also noted: "There was also evidence one dog chewed through the door in an attempt to escape."

Authorities have since arrested the pets' former owner and charged him with animal cruelty. He must be banned from ever living with, owning, or working with animals in the future! Sign the petition to save more pets from such misery and pain!
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