Ban Mutton Busting

"Mutton Bustin'" is the practice of holding a sheep in a chute and placing a child between the ages of 4-7 years on the sheep's back. The sheep is then released from the chute and the child has to stay on for as long as possible while the terrified sheep runs until the child falls off.

This is absolutely horrific. Sheep are prey animals, which means that they are sought, captured, and eaten by a predator. Sheep are not used to having anything on their backs, let alone a small child. They perceive the child as a predator and are petrified. This is all done in front of huge, noisy crowds in a very unnatural environment. The children grab hold of anything to stay on, often grabbing hold of the sheep's sensitive tails and ears.

Sheep often suffer serious physical injuries at these events, with some of them barely able to walk by the time it is over. This is dangerous for the children also as they could get trampled on and hurt themselves as they fall off. And it teaches them that animals are here for our amusement.

Please sign and share this petition today.

Lambentations have had previous success in petitioning, including getting three sheep races cancelled in the UK.

Photo credit: Flickr user Nkenagy (CC)

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