Make Farm Animal Welfare a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal/sub-Goal

I write this petition in the concern of all my friends furry and feathery. Currently, the United Nations is plunging a great deal of effort into resolving what has been termed the sustainable development goals (SDG's). The SDG's are set of targets that the UN aims to reach by the year 2030. These 17 goals include important global issues like eliminating poverty, hunger and ensuring good health.

However, one issue commonly neglected is the plight of farm animals globally. Thus the purpose of this petition is to signal the UN to add another goal in the SDG's for improved the quality of life for farm animals globally.

Although goal 15, does address biodiversity, this is largely applicable for forests and wildlife species. As such, there is nothing to address the cruelty exhibited towards farm animals such as cows, chicken and pigs globally and must become a primary concern to address by 2030.

I think that it is a must that all life be treated with rightful dignity and that the abuse towards farm animals must end globally. The link to the petition is below and every signature counts.

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