Trump: Stop the Slaughter of the American Mustang

  • av: Andrew M
  • mottagare: Secretary of Interior: Ryan Zinke

Not even the American mustang is safe from the reach of Trump’s terrible budget proposal. The beautiful mares and stallions that roam the American west could soon be “humanely euthanised” or shipped off to slaughterhouses in Canada or Mexico.

Since 1971 these iconic animals have been protected. But if Trump gets his way their numbers will quickly plummet and people all over the world could soon be dining on American horse steaks!

Proponents of the slaughter say the horses’ population has gotten out of hand. But there is an easy fix to the problem. By implementing fertility controls their numbers would quickly shrink. So why is the government so gungho over killing them? Some say it’s to clear grazing land for wealthy ranchers. Others believe the government is just trying to take the easy way out.

Whatever the reason, it is time to speak up. Tell the Trump Administration to keep their hands off this American legend. Sign the petition and tell them to drop the budget proposal and control horse populations via birth control instead.

Dear Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, The American Mustang is a legend that has enjoyed protected status for nearly 50 years, and for good reason. It is a symbol of freedom and the American spirit all of us hold dear. Please do not destroy these animals for the sake of expediency. Please use what thousands of Americans want and control their populations with fertility controls. American horses do not deserve to end up in slaughterhouses. [Your comments] Sincerely, [Your name and address]
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