Vulnerable Turtles Were Found Being Trafficked in the U.S. Demand an Investigation!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of Justice

The recent arrest of a smuggler trying to take 29 eastern box turtles from the U.S. to Canada highlights a gaping hole in our wildlife protection efforts. These turtles, part of a species listed as vulnerable due to threats like the illegal pet trade, deserve better. 

Sign the petition to demand U.S. authorities thoroughly investigate the potential trafficking networks behind these crimes.

This isn't a one-off event. Sadly, it seems the U.S. is a major starting point for the illegal turtle trade. 

Traffickers have grown bolder, employing increasingly sophisticated methods to evade detection. It's clear we need a stronger response from law enforcement and wildlife agencies.

Wildlife trafficking is not just an animal rights issue; it's an environmental and ethical crisis that demands our immediate attention. Let's ensure that the U.S. leads by example in the fight against global wildlife trafficking. 

Sign this petition to make your voice heard and demand that our agencies do more than just scratch the surface of this expansive illegal activity.

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