Spanish Bull

Bullfighting is the most disgusting and indefensible type of animal abuse. Countries like Spain and Mexico torture and abuse these defenseless animals in order to carry on a sickening tradition of bull fighting, in which they stick sharp objects into the bull to make him bleed and suffer before he ever enters the arena, and then torture him some more by shoving swords between his shoulder blades and forcing him to move around in order to cut up his insides until he dies.
During the "running of the bulls" in Pamploma, Spain, there have even been incidents where the poor tortured and bleeding animals have been set on fire as they're running down the street being chased by crazed throngs of "brave people." One has to ask himself what kind of human beings could possibly perpetrate such acts against innocent animals who are guilty of nothing more than grazing peacefully in a barnyard or a field somewhere until they're suddenly and violently thrust into the hands of bloodthirsty sadists. Shame on ALL who participate in this "sport" - including the spectators who are willing to pay to see this kind of sick violence!

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