Demand California Legislators Crack Down On Animal Abuse on Hollywood Sets!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: California State Legislators

Please sign and share this petition worldwide to demand a crack down on animal abuse for animals used in Hollywood for movies and television!

Whenever you see an animal used in a movie or television production, it always states that no animals are ever harmed in the production of the filming. However, that is not true according to some investigation with six AHA employees who have witnessed animal abuse and deaths. 

Some not-so-known instances of animal abuse and cruelty includes horses, dogs, sheep and fish. Stories obtained outlines horse injury, illness and death on film and TV sets from 2001 to 2006. They died in a mixture of accidents, everything from impalement to tripping and falling because of a lead rope to all sorts of things that happen when you're involved in complicated productions with many crew members and production aspects and props.  One of the horses who died collided with a camera car on the set. Did the movies where these horses died get that AHA tagline that says no animals were harmed? What we see on the set is not always what is happening as far as the safety of the animals involved. 

Is the AHA prepared for the unexpected in protecting the animals.  There may be no intent of animal cruelty but obviously does have some sort of passive negligence involved!. The AHA is funded in its film and TV unit program that handles the “no animals were harmed” credit. Can we truly believe that the animals are safe and free of harm, abuse or cruelty just for the pleasures of making money??!! The AHA stated :  “The association has made tough changes to ensure that the no animals were harmed program is structured to meet the humane charter with which we have been entrusted.  Furthermore, abuse in film and entertainment is not pervasive as the salacious headlines imply. Rather, our experience is that most everyone we work with in production settings wants to do right by the animals, as do we.”  Yet the animals are continually subjected to harm, cruelty and abuse, despite the “no animals were harmed” credit.

Demand California Legislators Crack Down On Animal Abuse on Hollywood Sets!   Please sign and share this petition worldwide to demand a crack down on animal abuse for animals used in Hollywood for movies and television!

California State Legislators -  You need to develop and enforce much stricter laws and regulations that will crack down on animal abuse and cruelty in Hollywood.  The “no animals were harmed” credit is not true and sufficient in guaranteeing that animals are safe when on the set.  The AHA needs to warrant safe practices of animal stars or do not allow them to be part of the “movie scene” if they are subjected to ill procedures, animal abuse and cruelty.

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