Punish Animal Abusers Who Threw A Cat Off A Three-Story Building!

A group of malicious children threw their neighbor's one-year-old kitten off of a three-story building.

Add your name if you agree that these youths deserve to be forced to undergo serious counseling!

"Cheyenne Animal Control says that their officers and the officers from the police department were called to the scene of an apartment building on Sunday, May 10 where a small group of children, ages 8-13, had allegedly thrown the neighbor's one-year-old cat from a third-floor balcony.

"Officers say that they arrived as the children had retrieved the cat from the sidewalk and were planning a second round," according to one news source.

Once was bad enough.

But after seeing that poor little creature smack into the ground with so much force, and hearing it cry out in pain, all they wanted to do, was torture it again....

These children need help.


"It was reported that the cat's teeth and gums were bruised and bloody but despite his pain, he was friendly. He is currently recuperating at the Shelter and will soon be looking for a new home."

Isn't this heartbreaking?

That naive little cat thought that those wicked children were his friends.

All he wanted was to play with them, and be petted.

All he got was severe abuse.

Those children need to be given counseling to help them understand why what they did is wrong.

And to ensure that they NEVER do something like this again.

This event happened in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

That's why we're asking the Cheyenne City Council to take this case under their wing, and do the right thing - for the sake of those children, and for the sake of all the animals in their city.

What will these kids be like as adults, if something isn't done now?

Add your name to ask the City Council of Cheyenne, Wyoming to force all of the children involved in throwing a cat off of a three-story building to undergo counseling.

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