Let's make Angelo (Doc) Docherty a Championship Agility Judge.

Please sign this petition to the Agility Liaison Council (North East) to support an application to appoint Angelo Docherty (Doc) as a Championship Agility Judge. As you know he is an exceptional and outstanding judge who has had over 230 appointments over the past 7 years. He has the experience and the expertise to easily perform at championship level.
He is totally committed to his judging career and has even turned down promotion at work so he can concentrate on his agility judging. It is his life’s ambition to become a champ judge and he meets all the criteria, apart from no. 4 “have handled a dog competitively at grade 6 or 7”. His wife Judith has run successfully at grade 7 for many years with their dogs and whilst he has handled them on occasion he has always been more interested in judging than handling.
To get around this, he needs to be invited to judge at Crufts or otherwise be approved by the KC Agility General Committee. I approached the Kennel Club Vice-Chair Steve Croxford and he suggested that we obtain the backing of the North East Agility Liaison Council to support the decision.
Doc doesn’t know I am doing this on his behalf however I am sure it will be hard to keep it a secret for long.
Please sign this petition and give something back to Doc for all the dedication and hard work he has given the agility community over the past seven years.

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