Protect the Rare and Endangered Indus River Dolphin

  • av: Sharanya Krishna Prasad
  • mottagare: Angela Somma, Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service
There are only about 1,100 Indus river dolphins remaining in Pakistan. The U.S. government will soon determine the fate of this rare mammal.

The Indus river dolphin is one of four dolphin species that spends all its life in freshwater. These fascinating creatures are blind and rely on echolocation to navigate, hunt and communicate in the muddy waters. The population of river dolphins has declined sharply due to the construction of hydroelectric dams and irrigation canals in their habitat.

The species is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and is classified as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. However, the National Marine Fisheries Service - the U.S. government agency responsible for the protection of this species - has just initiated a 5-Year Review to determine whether or not the species should still be protected. According to experts, this animal is so rare that we don't even have enough data to make such a decision.

The U.S. government is currently accepting public comments on this issue. Sign my petition to urge them to continue to protect the rare and endangered Indus river dolphin.
Dear Chief Somma,

I am writing to urge you to continue protecting the Indus river dolphin under the Endangered Species Act. 

There are only about 1,100 Indus river dolphins remaining in Pakistan and it is just one of four species that spend all their lives in freshwater. These fascinating dolphins are blind and rely on echolocation to navigate, hunt and communicate in the muddy waters. The population of river dolphins has declined sharply due to the construction of hydroelectric dams and irrigation canals in their habitat. According to experts, this animal is so rare that we don't even have enough data to make a determination on whether to downlist or delist it.

[Your comments]

I respectfully request that you continue to list the Indus river dolphin as an endangered species and afford it the full protections it deserves.

Thank you.

[Your name]
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