Justice For Kristiana Coignard!

Kristiana Coignard was a 17 year old girl murdered by the Longview Texas Police Department while trying to get help in the police station. What happened to her was NOT RIGHT! She deserves justice! http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/01/28/3616806/kristiana-coignard-video/

Uppdatera #39 år sedan
We're up to 200 signatures! Come on, let's make it to 500!!!! Please post the petition link to your Facebook or Twitter pages! Please help support this cause! Thank you for all of your help!
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
More info concerning Kristiana:


If you want to help, please post link to the petition on your FB or Twitter

Thank you!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Help me reach 500 signatures!!!!!!!!!
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