Demand a Ban on the Euthanizing of Healthy Cats and Kittens in the USA

Cats and Kittens all over the world are being euthanized for no good reason! These cats are healthy, or could be with a bit of proper food, clean water, good shelter, and a visit to the vet. Unfortunately, they are just killed. This is not a humane solution to this issue. We should only put down cats and kittens that have incurable illnesses.

Euthanasia is a worldwide issue, but we can definitely do our part in the fight to stop it by banning the euthanizing in the USA. By protecting our cats' right to live without the threat of being euthanized at anytime despite good health, we could save millions of lives each year. That's just in cats! If we wanted to go an extra step farther, we could ban the euthanizing of all healthy animals!

Our cats should be taken into shelters with the knowledge that they are going to a safe and caring place, not a place where they will just be killed.

Sign this petition to help cats across America. If we all step in, we could save the lives of millions in this country alone. If you support the cause, go ahead and share this petition with your friends. Thank you.

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