Demand the UK Keep Farmed Animals Safe From Abuse!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: UK Department for International Trade
A new report paints a concerning picture about the future of Britain's trade deals since Brexit. If the country doesn't act quickly, there could be a sudden increase in imports of animal products produced in inhumane, unsustainable, nightmare conditions. But creating a few core standards for all imports and trade deals will keep animals safe and help promote sustainable, healthy agriculture across the world!

Sign now to demand the UK Department for International Trade create and stay true to core standards and protect animal welfare!

The United Kingdom has extremely high welfare standards for farmed animals, a hard-fought victory from animal advocates in the country. These high standards benefit everyone -- the animals themselves suffer less, and early evidence suggests meat raised in factory farms or in high-stress conditions is actually less healthy than humanely raised meat. Protecting animals in agricultural settings is a win-win, and the United Kingdom has led the way in setting high standards.

But all of these benefits are at risk if Britain begins importing animal products from countries with lax laws. The new report, from think tank ResPublica, urges the government to take immediate action, noting that without new standards, animal welfare faces a "clear and present danger." This could include any range of animal abuses -- from forcing animals to travel for days on end in horrible conditions to killing animals without stunning them first. It could also include the horrific practice "mulesing," which involves removing strips of skin off of sheep without any anesthetic. This awful tactic is used on over half of sheep in Australia.

The United Kingdom must hold firm and protect animals, both at home and abroad. We must put pressure on the UK Department of International Trade to create clear core standards which uphold domestic standards for ethical and humane animal production. The government must act quickly before Britons are implicated in the suffering of an untold number of animals abroad through imports. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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