Demand to stop the opening of an animal experiment lab at The U of M now!

It has been brought to my attention that The University of Montana is considering opening a lab to perform research on pigs. We are requesting for The University to move away from testing on sentient beings such as pigs or any other animals and move towards cruelty free testing methods, such as digital dissection software and humane simulators.

It has been brought to my attention that The University of Montana is considering opening a lab to perform research on pigs. We are requesting for the University to move away from testing on sentient beings, such as pigs or any other animal and move towards cruelty free testing methods such as digital dissection software and humane simulators. Animal testing and experiments are unethical. I would assume that The U of M would not want a reputation of abusing, hurting, or killing animals for experimental efforts in pursuit of financial gain. There is no shortage of evidence to suggest that pigs are incredibly intelligent animals. Animal experiments at The University of Montana is not the answer for our health needs; rather, it is often dangerous for human health, horrifically cruel, and a waste of tax payers' dollars. Stop this unproductive use of animals in testing and research at The University of Montana! 

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