Demand Action to Stop Animals Freezing to Death at Yalta Zoo

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Oleg Zubkov, Director of Yalta Zoo

A rare white Bengal tiger cub has died at a zoo in Crimea due to the cold, according to a report in The Guardian. Tragically, the cub died due to a two-week power black out at the Yalta Zoo that saw power generators break-down.

Oleg Zubkov, Director of the zoo, stated in the report: "We’ve failed to maintain the temperature regime,” Zubkov told the RIA Novosti news agency. “These were white Bengal tiger cubs, they are very particular about the warmth.”

However, Natalia Poklonskaya, Crimea’s Prosecutor General, asserted that more could of been done to save the lion cub. Poklonskaya said the zoo could of intervened to save the lion's life by buying diesel generators to ensure the required heating levels were maintained.

Bengal tigers are endangered - with only 135 thought to still exist in Russia - every effort should be made to save them.

Will you join me in urging Oleg Zubkov, Director of Yalta Zoo, to fastrack the delivery of generators to stop animals freezing to death and to ensure a supply of back-up diesel generators for any future blackouts?

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