Trans People in Florida Are Being Forced to Misgender Themselves in Order to Drive

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Florida just made another deplorable move in its long history of attacking trans folks. A new rule change, spurred on by hateful Republicans, bans proper gender identification on driver's licenses. This means that trans people are now banned from holding driver's licenses that reflect their true gender in Florida.

This decision is incredibly harmful to trans folks for several reasons. Firstly, it erases their identities and denies them recognition of who they are. This is not just an inconvenience; it's a blatant attack on trans people's rights and dignity. Secondly, by labeling licenses with proper gender markers as "fraud," the state is essentially criminalizing trans existence.

Trans people already face disproportionate levels of discrimination and violence, and this decision only further marginalizes and endangers them.

We cannot stand idly by while our fellow community members are targeted and stripped of their rights. Sign this petition to show your support for trans rights and urge Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to reverse this discriminatory decision!

Let's make it clear that the world is watching, and we will not tolerate any form of discrimination against trans people.

This hateful move from the Florida agency is not isolated. This is part of a larger legislative effort aimed at erasing and denying the existence of trans people. The Florida legislature and infamous anti-LGBTQ governor Ron DeSantis have tried to ban drag shows, limited free speech in schools involving gender identity or sexual orientation, restricted trans people's access to gender-affirming healthcare and bathrooms, and have tried to keep trans kids from playing sports.

Sign the petition now and join us in demanding justice for trans people in Florida. Together, we can make our voices heard and fight for a world where everyone is free to live authentically and without fear of discrimination. Let's show Florida lawmakers that we will not back down until trans rights are fully recognized and respected.
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