NCT's Taeyong Needs An ASMR/MUKBANG Channel

yall ever since Ten and Taeyong collaborated for NCT 2018's EMPATHY,, idk man idk what to feel you know?? anyways ten's vocals and taeyong's whispers hit the fuck outta me & their visuals yes please,, so the story of how this asmr/muccbang petition thingy was made: my friend dared me to listen to Baby Dont Stop on replay for 2 hours w/ headphones, I felt such an urge to make this nO IM DONE WITH THIS BEING A JOKE IM REALLY MAKING THIS HAPPEN SMH PLEASE SIGN THIS IF YOU AGREE TAEYONG'S ASMR IS WOW,,,
p.s. if you go to 2:03 in the BDS MV you'll hear "yeah shes gonna get banged" yw

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