Open an investigation at Ontario Livestock Auction, located in Southern California, NOW!!

  • av: Teresa Cook
  • mottagare: Dr. Alisha Olmstead DVM, AHFSS, and USDA-APHIS Vet Services

We the concerned citizens demand that an investigation commence immediately at the facility known as the Ontario Livestock Auction, DBA Ontario Livestock Sales owned by HORATIO SANTORSOLA, located at: 7407 E Riverside Dr. Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 988-2433

Ontario Livestock Auction has a sordid history of violating California laws against selling sick and/or injured animals and violating animal cruelty laws.

Recent on sight observations have revealed multiple violations continue to plague the Ontario Livestock Auction. The owner Horatio Santorsola continues to allow on a weekly basis (every Tuesday) animals be sold that should be deemed "unfit for sale" and animals that are "rejected for sale" are being sold on the premise, inside the animal enclosure areas and in the common areas including the parking lot/s that serve the auction house.

Livestock seen in the sale arena, and tagged for sale with severe illness, injuries that cause severe limping or totally non-ambulatory. Illness so severe that auction employees have been witnessed having to hold up weak, sick with difficulty breathing animals in front of attending people bidding during sale.

Sick, injured, emaciated and neglected livestock including SHEEP, GOATS, COWS, PIGS AND HORSES are being sold both inside the auction house AND being sold in the parking lot and surrounding common areas. Puppies are allowed to be sold in the parking lot, this has happened on more than one occasion and witnessed by citizens that attend auction.

We the concerned citizens demand attention to this matter immediately. This business has been witnessed by concerned citizens to be operating with blatant disregard of California animal cruelty laws and California livestock sales regulations and city ordinance.

Request for immediate attention to this violation of California Livestock sales be addressed by the Ontario City Manager : Al C. Boling, (909) 395-2396, Inland Valley Humane Society Operations Manager: James Edward (909) 623-9777 and San Bernardino District Attorney: Mike Ramos (909) 382-7674. Adding on 10/23/17 : Dr. Alisha Olmstead DVM, Animal Health Division / supervisor of Esteban & Robert (inspectors that rotate weekly at Ontario Auction ) (909) 947-4462

Uppdatera #27 år sedan
I have uploaded a YouTube video.
My petition is directed at specific people. My petition is not directed at a "shelter vet" or a "state vet". The clear description on my petition is to launch an investigation upon Ontario Livestock Auction. The description does not call to "shut down" Ontario Livestock Auction. So who's lying? As of 12/1/2017 the petition is still active and has not been delivered to the targets. #TruthBeTold.
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Please share this petition again especially to Southern California residents! If you live in California we need your support!! I am in contact with the Animal Health Division that oversees the Ontario Livestock Auction. Dr. Alisha Olmstead DVM and the two inspectors Esteban & Robert (who rotate weekly but are at the auction every Tuesday) will be receiving this petition too!! Concerned citizens can call them direct at (909) 947-4462.
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