Sign Your Name: "I’m a part of the anti-Trump majority!"

After Trump won the election, he declared "America has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate," thinking he had won some kind of overwhelming majority of the popular vote. But as the votes are actually counted, it turns out that he's actually fallen BELOW 50% of the votes cast. Trump has NOT, in fact, won a "powerful mandate." 

A majority of voters actually voted AGAINST Donald Trump. As Trump tries to begin his fascist dictatorship, we need to send him a loud and clear message – "We are the anti-Trump majority, you have no mandate, and we'll continue standing up to you and fighting your attempts to undermine our democracy every step of the way."

Let's show Trump that he doesn't have "an unprecedented and powerful mandate" – not even close. Sign your name if you're a part of the anti-Trump majority >>

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