$TOP Nuclear = NO BOMB$

The facts are painfully obvious, and the proof $TART$ with Chernobyl and END$ with FUKUSHIMA ^dwarfing all nuclear disasters ALONE, including Hiroshima & Nagasaki Japan combined^ Not to mention 100+ aging reactors leaking across the U$ofA, we could easily have 10x the disaster here in the blink of an eye!!!

Please sign and spread the word - by referring this petition, and staying informed at our blog on "how to survive radiation exposure" @ CVMCo.wordpress.com One person at a time we can learn to get off the grids, for the sake of ALL KIDS!!!! C+Peace
This cause, supports ALL causes, as nuclear proliferation will end ALL CAUSES & LIFE AS WE KNOW IT if we don't CARE2 Make A Difference!

This is to inform ALL members of the United Nations & Governments of the world - WE THE PEOPLE will no longer fund or support Nuclear Proliferation^ and it's in EVERYONE$ BE$T INTERE$T to $TART U$ING OUR TAX DOLLAR$ FOR THE HUMAN RACE AND NOT NUCLEAR DI$GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$incerely, Christian Video Media Coalition/CVMCo.
We owe it to our kid's kid's, before they are reduced to cooking contaminated meat & veggies over open pit fires from burning WA$TE LAND$ from $ea to glowing $ee, puns intended... from America to Fukushima!

Uppdatera #58 år sedan
Fukushima Anniversary... 3/11/16. Please take 5 minutes, 5 years later, let alone 5 generations if they get that Chance! https://youtu.be/QRLNBpFF3kw

Uppdatera #49 år sedan
We owe it to our kid's kid's, to shut down & contain NUCLEAR WA$TE before they are reduced to cooking contaminated meat & veggies over open pit fires in burning WA$TE LAND$ from $ea to glowing $ee, puns intended... if they even get that chance from America to Fukushima!

Sincerely, Christian Video Media Coalition; http://facebook.com/CVMCo. or @CVMCo
Picket your local nuke plant! C+
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
Please share latest article http://CVMCoNews.com TY in advance for your support in this last cause! C+
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Just a friendly update to help me remind those to share this information with everyone you know, on your facebook or social media in general - see our latest story "how we can save America", and be the example we were meant to be in this crazy world!

Also see our new nightly newspaper online - free subscription visit cvmco.wordpress.com for direct link from there...and please leave your comments via facebook about any and all story feedback. @ CVMCo News By Night *TY

Sincerely, C+

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
CVMCo is looking for dedicated bloggers to join and contribute to our growing network of alternative news in the name of truth!

See details & benefits on our latest post @ The Burnning Sun; http://cvmco.wordpress.com

Help us with our causes, and get more exposure for your leading causes as well, together we will make a difference one person at a time. Thank you for your support!

Sincerely, Christian Vicars of CVMCo.
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