Dear Current Students and Alumni of GSE&IS,      

The recently released “Moreno” Investigative Report on the Acts of Bias and Discrimination experienced by Faculty at UCLA found that UCLA’s policies and procedures for responding to incidents of bias, discrimination, and intolerance involving Faculty of Color are inadequate. The lack of a substantial amount of critical Faculty of Color and the stressful environment that these faculty are laboring in all directly impact the type of support that is available to Graduate Students of Color. 

 UCLA Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color assert that the report extends to Students of Color in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. These students have documented and undocumented narratives that speak powerfully to their endurance through the hostile and toxic environments found within and beyond Moore Hall.

 Students consistently report hostile classroom environments in which the effects of white supremacy, patriarchy,heteronormativity, and other forms of institutionalized oppression have manifested within the department and deride our intellectual capacity, methodological rigor, and ideological legitimacy. Empirical evidence indicates that these structural and interpersonal microaggressions wreak havoc on the psychophysiological health and retention rates of People of Color. The traumatic experiences of GSE&IS students and alumni confirm this reality.

 As an interdivisional collective, UCLA Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color and their allies can no longer rely on a nebulous patchwork of remedial procedures for these chronic incidents.  It is, at its most benign, disingenuous to the next generations of Scholars of Color to not seek material and systematic changes within this department.  The university administration and our Graduate School administration must work together with students to effectively address and counteract these multilayered crises. The following demands represent preliminary departmental-wide actions that must be addressed immediately.

 Students within each division of GSE&IS are facilitating discussions and drafting specific demands, which will be integrated into these collective demands.

 This is a process in which students are working in coalitions to envision a more humanizing, critical, and just educational experience.


The Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA must:

Commission an external and systematic inquiry into the campus climate for Graduate Students of Color before the end of the Spring 2014 quarter and work diligently on any subsequent recommendations.

Develop a robust, standardized, and transparent process for the reporting and investigation of racist, sexist, heterosexist, classist and other oppressive incidents impacting marginalized students and faculty before the end of the 2014 Winter Quarter.

Dedicate 2 divisional faculty meetings per quarter for professional development focused on the campus racial climate and the impact of microaggressions. 
Integrate Race and Ethnic Studies within the curriculum across all divisions.

Institutionalize permanent funding and provide wide support towards the specific purpose of establishing broad, sustained, department-wide educational training of faculty in order to better facilitate classroom discussions concerning gender, race, sexuality, class, ability, amongst additional social identities by Fall 2014.  

Hire 2 new Faculty of Color and/or allies per division who are equipped (theoretically, pedagogically, and empathically) to supervise critical research, mentor Students of Color, and facilitate conversations about and across difference in their classrooms by Spring 2015. Along this line, dedicate 2 positions per division for Students of Color who utilize critical frameworks in their research to serve as equal stakeholders in the recruiting and hiring process, effective immediately. 

Institutionalize interdivisional programming, workshops, and events to build a critical dialogic community and dismantle hostile elements of the psychological, behavioral, and historical dimensions of the departmental climate.    

Allocate and institutionalize greater financial support for the successful progression of Students of Color through the doctoral and master programs. This is essential in the retention and graduation rates of Students of Color

If you support these goals and believe in the transformational potential of students working together to increase social justice please sign the petition.

In Solidarity,

UCLA Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color

Dear Current Students and Alumni of GSE&IS,      

The recently released “Moreno” Investigative Report on the Acts of Bias and Discrimination experienced by Faculty at UCLA found that UCLA’s policies and procedures for responding to incidents of bias, discrimination, and intolerance involving Faculty of Color are inadequate. The lack of a substantial amount of critical Faculty of Color and the stressful environment that these faculty are laboring in all directly impact the type of support that is available to Graduate Students of Color. 

 UCLA Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color assert that the report extends to Students of Color in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. These students have documented and undocumented narratives that speak powerfully to their endurance through the hostile and toxic environments found within and beyond Moore Hall.

 Students consistently report hostile classroom environments in which the effects of white supremacy, patriarchy,heteronormativity, and other forms of institutionalized oppression have manifested within the department and deride our intellectual capacity, methodological rigor, and ideological legitimacy. Empirical evidence indicates that these structural and interpersonal microaggressions wreak havoc on the psychophysiological health and retention rates of People of Color. The traumatic experiences of GSE&IS students and alumni confirm this reality.

 As an interdivisional collective, UCLA Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color and their allies can no longer rely on a nebulous patchwork of remedial procedures for these chronic incidents.  It is, at its most benign, disingenuous to the next generations of Scholars of Color to not seek material and systematic changes within this department.  The university administration and our Graduate School administration must work together with students to effectively address and counteract these multilayered crises. The following demands represent preliminary departmental-wide actions that must be addressed immediately.

 Students within each division of GSE&IS are facilitating discussions and drafting specific demands, which will be integrated into these collective demands.

 This is a process in which students are working in coalitions to envision a more humanizing, critical, and just educational experience.


The Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA must:

Commission an external and systematic inquiry into the campus climate for Graduate Students of Color before the end of the Spring 2014 quarter and work diligently on any subsequent recommendations.

Develop a robust, standardized, and transparent process for the reporting and investigation of racist, sexist, heterosexist, classist and other oppressive incidents impacting marginalized students and faculty before the end of the 2014 Winter Quarter.

Dedicate 2 divisional faculty meetings per quarter for professional development focused on the campus racial climate and the impact of microaggressions. 
Integrate Race and Ethnic Studies within the curriculum across all divisions.

Institutionalize permanent funding and provide wide support towards the specific purpose of establishing broad, sustained, department-wide educational training of faculty in order to better facilitate classroom discussions concerning gender, race, sexuality, class, ability, amongst additional social identities by Fall 2014.  

Hire 2 new Faculty of Color and/or allies per division who are equipped (theoretically, pedagogically, and empathically) to supervise critical research, mentor Students of Color, and facilitate conversations about and across difference in their classrooms by Spring 2015. Along this line, dedicate 2 positions per division for Students of Color who utilize critical frameworks in their research to serve as equal stakeholders in the recruiting and hiring process, effective immediately. 

Institutionalize interdivisional programming, workshops, and events to build a critical dialogic community and dismantle hostile elements of the psychological, behavioral, and historical dimensions of the departmental climate.    

Allocate and institutionalize greater financial support for the successful progression of Students of Color through the doctoral and master programs. This is essential in the retention and graduation rates of Students of Color

If you support these goals and believe in the transformational potential of students working together to increase social justice please sign the petition.

In Solidarity,

UCLA Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
If you would like to join our organization please email us at UCLACALL2ACTION@GMAIL.COM to be included in future actions and meetings.
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