Demand the UK Government make fireworks illegal to buy!

Fireworks are a big problem for our animals, both domestic, non-domestic and wildlife.  I believe that fireworks should be left for the experts only to handle and we should have organised displays only.  How often have we been woken from our sleep during the night by a rogue firework going off?  And then spent the next hour or so calming our pets?  And then there are the fireworks going off in people's back gardens bought from supermarkets and shops.  Lovely for the children to see but a nightmare for us pet owners.  And then there are the many accidents and, often, fatalities that happen.  These fireworks appear to go up in strength each year and when they go off without warning in a neighbours back garden sounds like a war zone!  With these commercial-grade fireworks being readily on sale, what is to say, with the times we live in with terrorist threats around us, that a terrorist group couldn't buy these and stash them for a later date to cause harm?  These fireworks are not cheap either so let's please ban them and have organised displays only, preferably where entrance fee proceeds go to a recognised charity. There are many firework petitions going around but none have worked.  I had one going on another petition side that gained thousands of votes and that still didn't achieve its aim.  Let us hope this one will!

Fireworks not not only upset our animals but, in the wrong hands, are dangerous!  Please heed the comments by all on this petition and outlaw the selling of fireworks to the general public.  Keep fireworks for organised displays only well away from animals.  Thank you.

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