We the undersigned insist that no ivory is used in the coronation of King Charles lll

As a country who is in the midst of moving forward regarding animal welfare, to include the ban on trophy hunting imports of animal parts being brought into the UK, currently with the House of Lords, it is beyond reprehensible that Ivory be used in the coronation of King Charles III.

King Charles has been lauded for his interest in the environment whilst his son and our future King has done some great work regarding the protection of African wildlife, in particular the elephant.

An elephant is killed in Africa every 20minutes for its ivory. The United Kingdom wants no part in bringing this disgraceful decimation of our largest land mammal into what should be a step into the future for this Country

We respectfully ask the ivory sceptre to be dropped from the ceremony due to horrendous manner in which ivory is obtained. In 2023, we should not place 'tradition' above progress.

Photo credit Justin Sullivan/Magnus News

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