Ban animal testing on our beloved house pets and all Animals!!

  • av: Kate Kiss
  • mottagare: David Johnston Govenor General Of Canada

Animal studies teach us nothing about the health of humans because animals of different species absorb, metabolize, and eliminate substances differently from humans. The truth is that testing on animals is bad science: It's unreliable and unnecessary.
Please sign this petition!  Millions of cats,dogs, monkeys,undergo terrible painful brain surgeries and electrical shocks, just to name a few.  Don't stand by while they are suffering?

Nearly 22,000 cats and dogs are abused in U.S. laboratories every year—in addition to the tens of thousands who are killed and sold to schools for cruel and crude classroom disections. These cats and dogs are just as deserving of fulfilling lives and loving homes as the companions on our laps. Indeed, thousands of the cats and dogs who end up in laboratories or in classrooms are homeless animals who were betrayed by animal shelters.

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