Many citizens of the United States are unaware that in 2011 Barack Obama signed the bill that would allow horse slaughter to happen in the United States. Most Americans are outraged by this issue and I am one of the many Americans that wants to put a stop to horse slaughter. Did you know that horses are not for human consumption? Horsemeat is toxic due to the medicines we give them such as Phenylbutazone which is given to horses to relieve pain and treat fevers. The USDA has no system in place to track a horse's lifetime in medical history. Therefore, the horsemeat industry is at a severe risk. People will continue to be harmed if we don't stop this issue now. Consider all of the torture that horses go through before they are slaughtered to be shipped to Europe and Asia. Also, consider the pollution that horse slaughter plants put on our precious environment. These plants can pollute local water, decrease property values, and fill the air with a sickening stench. As you can see, horse slaughter needs to be stopped. Sign this petition to help stop the slaughter of our innocent horses.

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