Relax "Strict-Guidelines" on. School Dress Code Policy

  • av: Julia Turnage
  • mottagare: Sumter County of South Carolina School Board

Children show up to school for an education. Not to be sent to ISS for wearing the wrong "color" clothing.

For starters, I believe the school uniform dress code is a great thing to have for all school systems. It takes the focus/pressure off of youth who may be less fortunate to wear designer labeled clothing. It’s also a great look on our students!
The issue at hand is when a parent/guardian is provided a list with an array of colors suggested to choose from. Now, we ALL know colors are many different shades. Then you are handed a list with multiple color selections to buy for your child/children only to be told the items purchased are NOT part of the color selection on the list. EX: Pink (you bought a dark pink) *the pink in question was not clarified.
As a parent/guardian you are outraged after receiving a phone call from the school stating to “bring your child the correct color clothing article on the list.” “If you cannot bring your child the article your child will be placed in ISS for the day/days until they are “correctly” in dress code.”
I am a parent who finds this action and its rules a bit too harsh. Not only is the child innocent, but you have now segregated them into a class where children are held for the nature of their behavior. Why would you place a child “in the wrong color” there?? Now, for the rest of the day your child sits, working away from his/her peers, confused/embarrassed as to why they are sent there instead of their regular class. What happened to; good hygiene’s, clean & neatly dressed?? Why is there SO much emphasis on the “color” instead of the EDUCATION of the child?? For this reason alone, I have chosen to take action and ask every parent/guardian to sign my petition and MAKE A CHANGE for our children’s future.
I feel the dress code should involve:
• All Shades of Colors Suggested
• Make the Dress Code Simple (i.e.: Black/White)

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