Get Lions Off the Menu at Dave's Pizza and Burger

Want a lion hamburger?

Lions are in trouble in the wild, with as few as 23,000 remaining in Africa. 

Lions bred in captivity can live in horrible conditions, and since they aren't protected by humane slaughter laws, their deaths may be gruesome. 

Besides the bad news for the lions themselves, eating lion flesh is risky for humans. A lack of federal oversight leaves the meat susceptible to contamination and even to infection with sicknesses similar to mad cow disease.

 But Dave's Pizza and Burger in Albany, New York, serves a burger made from lion flesh. Please ask them to stop.

Dear Dave's Pizza & Burger:

Please take the Lion Burger off your menu.

Wild lions populations are at or near endangered levels, and captive lions are not protected by humane laws that would give them decent lives or deaths. In addition, the safety of the lion meat supply in the U.S. is not effectively regulated, according to Born Free USA.

Lions need protection. Please stop cooking and serving them. 

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