Tell Texas prosecutors WE demand the max for crush video pair!!

  • av: Michelle Brew
  • mottagare: Assistant United States Attorney Sherri L. Zack.
The public is tired of animal abusers!! and also of light sentences being given to those that are even charged! We call upon you Ms Zack to make an example of these 2 individuals and say enough is enough. Animal abuse is not ok! There are many studies that confirm animal abuse is just a stepping stone to abuse and even murder of human..Look at Luke Magnotta..We animal acticts tried to tell law enforcment that this guy is dangerous and noone listened...until he cut up a person...Dont let that be the case with these  two. These 2 are obviously lacking any compassion or empathy and need to be locked up for as long as possible...and its in your hands...The world is watching...

Ashley Nicole Richards, 22, and Brent Justice, 51, both of Houston, have been indicted for creating and distributing “animal crush videos..

The term "animal crush video" is defined under federal law as any photograph, motion-picture film, video or digital recording, or electronic image that depicts actual conduct in which one or more living non-human mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians is intentionally crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled or otherwise subjected to serious bodily injury, and is obscene.

If convicted of these charges, Richards and Justice face up to seven years in federal prison on each of the five animal crush charges and up to five years on each of the two obscenity charges. They also face a possible $250,000 fine on each count of conviction and at least three years of supervised release following completion of any prison term imposed.

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