Stricter animal abuse laws

  • av: Kelly Knowles
  • mottagare: The US Senate and House of Representatives

Animals in our country need our help and support.  In most states, first offence animal abuse is considered a misdemeanor with a $500 fine and/ or 6 months in jail.   This needs to change. These abusers get a slap on the wrist and are out to abuse again.    Aggravated animal cruelty should be a felony with much harsher penalties and much larger fines.   Most people agree that it is a terrible thing and that people should be punished, but they don't do anything about it.  They don't want to take the time to help.   All it takes is a click of the mouse to sign the petition.    Please stand up for our beloved furry loved ones.   Our pets should be treated like part of the family.

Dear US Senate and House of Representatives, 
I am writing this petition in behalf of all the animals that get abused, neglected and abandoned.  In most states first time animal offenders get a slap on the wrist with a  misdemeamor charge with a $500 max fine and/ or 6 months in jail.   When they get out, they are free to do this again. This needs to change.  Abusers should never be allowed to own animals again.    The abusers should be charged with a felony and given the maximum sentence and the largest fines allowed.   

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