NO Fracking In Scotland, Ban Fracking NOW.

So what is Fracking ?, well it means to drill and then pump water at high pressure into the ground to release the natural gas in shale rocks. 100's of tanker trucks are used to carry water and supplies to and from gas wells. 40.000 known chemicals per fracture, 1-8 million gallons of water per fracture, If that is not bad enough there are up to 600 chemicals used in the fracking fluid including KNOWN TOXINS - Fracking has been known to and still does contaminate ground water and drinking water as has been proved across the USA. Methane is 17x higher in drinking water wells again proven in the USA. There have been 100's of documented cases of water contamination and wildlife damage and yet the powers that be still want this to go on, why do they want it to go on its simple, MONEY & GREED.

Ingested contaminated water has caused - sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage. All the waste water from the fracking is then LEFT in the open air to evaporate letting all the harmful VOC's into the atmosphere and that can and will cause a lot more problems, are you still feeling this is a good idea ?. Fracking is UNSAFE its an environmental hazard and dangerous to all life.

In this day and age we no longer need these fuels, we should be advancing the earth not destroying her for profit and gain, it makes no sense, we are human beings that should be looking for clean, free energy not destroying our home for cash and then lying about it. If saying things like it will bring jobs and money to the town, city, country makes you sleep better at night then so be it, but its a LIE. In the end we are killing ourselves and our children for profit.

Take a stand and say NO to fracking, lets look at healing the world and being better, strong more protective people to all life on this earth. Ban Fracking World Wide take your stand, use your voice and fight the good fight. Its up to YOU.

Thank you very much, with respect always, James Howie ~ C.O.P.E Carers Of Planet Earth.

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