Save Australia's Brumbies! Stop the Cull!

The draft wild horse management plan for Kosciusko National Park aims to cull about 6,000 wild brumbies in the park in the next 20 years. They aim to cull approximately 3,000 in the next 10 years. They want to cut the brumbies population down to only 600 by 2036. With the last 600 in 3 smaller area's to create less of a "enviromental impact".

They have put the plan out to get Public feedback whether they should do it or not, so please sign this petition to say you are against the idea to cull the brumbies.

Rabbits, Deer, Pigs, etc all make and do more destruction than the brumbies do, yet they want to single out the brumbies because they would be the easier target.

The time to give feedback about these plans are from May 1st - July 8th 2016, so please sign the petition! Save the Brumbies!

They don't have to cull the brumbies to reduce the 'damage' they do, they can relocate, rehome, geld a bunch of the stallions to keep the population down! Don't let them cull!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Help make a change!

Sign the petition!!

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