SIX MONTHS .......... I am trying to identify/contact my MEP unfortunately politicians deem matters such as this as minor...... I will not go away this matter will not go away until action is taken.
Despite numerous offers from zoos around the world Copenhagan zoo slaughtered Marius the Giraffe, this was a needless cruel and barbaric act. They have since needlessly slaughtered a family of lions.
They breed the animals to draw in visitors to see the 'babies' then when past their useful stage they slaughter them
This place should not be allowed to operate they use their animals as a comodity with little regard for their health or wellbeing.
If they can display such cruelty in the face of the public, one must ask what does Copenhagen zoo do to the animals behind closed doors?
The more successful this petition the more it will send out a warning to all zoos and to the EAZA that decent people will no longer tolerate animal abuse. If everyone who signs the petition gets just 2 more people to sign it then it will have a greater impact.
The Aims of the petition are:
You can also contact the zoo with your views
You can also protest against Denmarks animal welfare laws by signing this petition:
Thank you to everyone who has signed. Even the signature of those mindless people who have been abusive count towards our cause :-)
Statement from the Born Free Foundation
Channel 4 News
National Geographic Article
Many Thanks to Dr. David Hereaux, MN who included this link:
Animals are concious and should be treated as such
We the petitioners demand the following actions are taken:
Copenhagen Zoo is placed under new administration and Bengt Holst is removed from post with immediate effect.
Copenhagen Zoo should be placed on a phased closure to allow the animals to be relocated safely.
Copenhagen Zoo's breeding program should be brought to an end immediately.
Copenhagen Zoo must not be permitted to acquire any new animals.
EAZA must review their 'standards' and policies to include:
No healthy animal should be slaughtered
No zoo should breed 'surplus animals'
No zoo should keep any animal in captivity unnecessarily.
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