Purina Beneful (and may other brands) dog food kills dogs

  • av: M Pe
  • mottagare: Pet food regulatory agencies around the world, heads of pet food corporations
Lawsuits have come against Purina for contents in its Beneful dog food that has killed thousands of dogs. See http://wtop.com/lifestyle/2015/02/lawsuit-filed-against-purina-claims-food-sickens-kills-dogs/.
My own dog died and I suspected it had something to do with the dry dog food pellets one buys as dog 'nutrition'. I always suspected that the last brand I used, Beneful, was not good but this was in hindsight after the dog had died of unusual scaley skin, fatigue, and weakness. I did not link the two together until I read this article. I am suspect of what goes into all animal feeds, especially dogs with those dry pellets. One wonders what the contents really are (bone meal? diseased animal offage? Federal regulatory agencies relating to foods for animals should 'beef' up their analysis and control of pet foods and companies should be mandated to abide by the regulations of safe and disease-free food contents for animals.
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