Deforestation of the Far East Russian forests is destroying both Amur tigers and Amur leopards' habitat. Illegal logging is pushing deer and boar out of the forests, because their food source is disappearing before their eyes. When the herbivores leave in search of food, tigers and leopards must follow or else they will starve to death. This makes them more vulnerable to human interaction and conflict. Deforestation places all animals in danger. The forest is their home, and we do not have the right to steal it from them.
Illegal logging also creates secondary roads for poachers to invade the tiger and leopard territory. There are an estimated 450 Amur tigers, and between 30-40 Amur leopards left in the wild. They will become extinct if we do not act now.
Please sign and share to help crackdown on illegal logging. Thank you for your support.
Also, please check out the World Wildlife Fund's website for more information on this serious life-threatening issue:
(I do not own the rights to this photograph)
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