Stop the Namibia Fur Seal Slaughter

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Director of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism

In Namibia, South Africa, 85,000 Cape Fur Seals pups are scheduled to be slaughtered, by being beaten to death on July 1st, 2012. 


An additional 6,000 adult bulls seals will be shot at point black range, and their genitals will be exported to the East where they are used to make ineffective sex potions for the Asian Market. This, despite they are listed on Appendix II of the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.


Cape Fur Seals are a threatened species. They have suffered massive habitat loss and several mass die offs and should not be subjected to this annual slaughter. We ask the Nambian Ministry of Environment to stop the slaughter of Cape Fur Seals.


SOURCE and Additional Petition:


Dr. Kalumbi SHANGULA
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Private Bag 13346
Tel: 264 61 2842333
Fax: 264 61 229936

Mr. Teofilus NGHITILA
Director of Environmental Affairs
Private Bag 13306
Republic of Namibia
Tel: + 264 61 284 2751
Fax: + 264 61 240 339

In Nambia, South Africa, 85,000 Cape Fur Seals pups are scheduled to be slaughtered, by being beaten to death on July 1st, 2012. 


An additional 6,000 adult bulls seals will be shot at point black range, and their genitals will be exported to the East where they are used to make ineffective sex potions for the Asian Market. This, despite they are listed on Appendix II of the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.


Cape Fur Seals are a threatened species. They have suffered massive habitat loss and several mass die offs and should not be subjected to this annual slaughter. We ask the Nambian Ministry of Environment to stop the slaughter of Cape Fur Seals.

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