To end the senseless euthanasia of innocent animals stuck in shelters.

  • av: Yvonne Brown
  • mottagare: The congressman in each state involved, The animal rights society and the city leaders that are in charge of shelters.

To begin with we all see the many animals that are listed as on Death Row, to be Euthanized within a day or two and PTS. This is as they claim do to overcrowding in the shelters, well if they can build parks, strip malls, and shopping centers they sure the hell can build more shelters. I hate the fact that it is not the animals fault they are there. We need to be their voices and demand more shelters less killing. Stop the senseless killings of those sweet innocent animals. Please join together with me and lets get more shelters less killings. I see so many people commenting on the situation now lets band together and stop it.
Every signature received is a step in the right direction.

Please everyone sign this petition, we have to join together to save these animals from being put to death in shelters.  They can build more shelters, but they can't give animals their lives back.  

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