Demand that "pet poison control" centers stop charging money to help save a pets life!
- av: JANET S
- mottagare: American Humane Society and ASPCA
There are 2 pet poison control toll-free numbers that can be called in the time of a possible pet poisoning, in the hopes of getting assurance that your pet will be ok, measures to conteract the possible poison and/or that is a dire emergency needing immediate medical attention. Both numbers say there are vets there, (at the center) ready to assist you, but. . . there is a charge of $50-$60 upfront before you can even speak to one! It is outrageous, and in the case of a pet's death, should be punishable for the lack of real concern for the animal and more about making the money off people that just want to save the animal. This would NOT be done with the CDC or any toll-free center for poison control with humans, and there should NOT be one for any other life that is on the line. Pet owner think of their pets as part of the family, a child in some cases, and feel responsible for their health and welfare. Many upon many simply cannot afford this charge upfront while on the phone, desperately trying to find answers and save their beloved pets life. This is criminal and must be stopped! Please take whatever legal steps are necessary to demand that this practice be stopped! There are vets that would willing give a moment of their time, over the phone to help save an animals life. Those that wish to charge, should not be in a position to choose life over profit!
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