• av: Phyllis Roberts
  • mottagare: Neil Bosworth - Supervisor, Tonto National Forest; Tom Tidwell - Chief, U.S. Forest Service; Tom Vilsack - Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain, Representatives Ann Kirkpatrick and Paul Gosar
We need to save these horses, and quickly. The Forest Service has issued a Public Notice stating the Salt River Wild Horses will be permanently removed beginning August 7, 2015.

The Forest Service have called these majestic animals "feral," "unauthorized livestock" and denied that they are a protected wild herd, but supporters have said these animals have lived wild in the Tonto National Forest area outside of Phoenix for decades.

Once they are 'removed,' even the Forest Service admits they could end up at the slaughter house.

Sign the petition and flood the Forest Service with concern for these wild horses - urge the Forest Service to leave the horses on their range!

Recently, a rumor has been circulating that some of the Salt River Wild Horses have not been able to access water. This rumor is being used as one of the justifications for removing the horses, however, the premise is not true so the conclusion is invalid. These horses know where to find water; at the furthest extent of their home range they are only a few miles away from water, they have many routes to reach any location and they can travel distances in a short period of time. These horses have existed for a very long time without the intervention of man.

The Salt River wild horses deserve to remain on their historic range in Arizona's Tonto National Forest. There have been no known incidents between Saguaro Lake campers and the horses, so safety concerns seem to be overstated by the Forest Service. Please act now to keep these animals in the forest, and out of the slaughterhouses.
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
We've won another delay! The Forest Service won't be moving the horses for 120 days - and have promised a 30 day notice if they decide to. Thank you - our loud public outcry definitely made a difference for these animals. We're keeping the petition open, and we'll update you once a plan is developed by the FS in consultation with the Salt River Wild Horses Management Group.
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
I want to thank everyone that has signed this petition, but we still need your help. A federal judge declined to issue an emergency order restraining the Tonto National Forest Service from ousting a famous herd of wild horses from its home along the Salt River in Mesa.

Please keep sharing with everyone you know and in every social media platform. We need to save the Salt River Wild Horses.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
The horses won't be rounded up today - the Forest Service is waiting until September. It is critically important we convince the Forest Service to keep the horses on their range - so please share the petition widely!
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