Tell the EU we need a Directive to stop radioactivity in fertilisers.

  • av: Kati Revell-Nielsen
  • mottagare: Mr Dacian Ciolos, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development

Mr. Commissioner,

Yara, the partly state-owned Norwegian company is planning a huge mining project to produce fertilizer in Sokli, the Finnish part of Lapland. The ore to be mined contains radioactivity, so the fertilizer would spread radioactivity onto our fields and into the food chain. What's more, it would contaminate the still pristine Kemijoki river and ultimately flow into the Baltic Sea.

No Europan Directive to regulate radioactivity in fetilizers exists. We are bewildered by this gap in Europan legislation and appeal to you, Mr Commissioner, to urgently create a Directive to stop radioactivity in fertilizers.

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