There Were 650 Mass Shootings in 2023. These States Are Finally Taking Action.

As America reels from a staggering 655 mass shootings in 2023, it's crystal clear: we can't afford to wait any longer for robust gun safety laws. States like California, Illinois, and Colorado are taking commendable steps with new "red flag" laws and other crucial measures, but we need nationwide action. The time for debate is over. Lives are on the line.

Sign this petition to urge Congress to implement sweeping gun safety reforms across the United States!

In California, new laws restrict concealed carry in public spaces, despite challenges to the Second Amendment. Illinois has boldly banned the sale of deadly semiautomatic assault weapons like AK-47s and AR-15 rifles. Washington state is implementing a life-saving 10-day waiting period for firearm purchases, a critical move to prevent impulsive acts of violence. And Colorado's ban on untraceable "ghost guns" is a vital step in the right direction.

These states are leading the way, but this is a nationwide crisis that demands a nationwide response. We need laws that reflect the gravity of this epidemic of violence. The statistics are heart-wrenching - guns have become the leading cause of death for children and teens, and gun suicides are at an all-time high. We need comprehensive background checks, mandatory waiting periods, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and stronger red flag laws.

Sign this petition to call on Congress to act now and protect American lives. Our safety, our children's safety, and the future of our nation depend on it. 

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