End 'wastage' deaths - give racehorses a happy retirement!

You spend your youth obediently working hard, making money for others. Then when you're past your physical prime, you're sent to the slaughter. This is the fate of many Australian racehorses. Thousands of Australian thoroughbred racehorses are killed or abandoned each year because there are no adequate retirement plans in place. Please sign this petition to ask that the Australian government introduce a funding iniative for retired racehores by raising a modest levy from betting.

The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses has submitted a proposal to the Australian racing industry for how to provide better for retired horses. This includes the suggestion of a modest 1% betting levy, which would raise about $143 million annually, to fund racehorse retirement and end "wastage" aka slaughter.

This levy would allow retired racehorses the peace and happinees they deserve, and the levy would simply be drawing on the huge sums their hard work generates for the Australian racing and betting industry every year. These horses are entitled to benefit from the proceeds of the industry they give their lives to. 

If enough people sign, the Australian goverment will recognise that the public back this sensible and compassionate levy proposal. It will send a strong message that racehorses deserve better, whether they are young or old.

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