Help Veterans: Save the Hot Springs VA!

A small town in South Dakota is facing dire straits as the Department of Veterans Affairs threatens to close its historic VA health care facility in the town of Hot Springs.

With 3,700 residents, this veterans' town is proud of its rich history of serving America's heroes in a serene, small town environment. The local economy would be devastated by the closure of this facility, sending millions of dollars out of the area and crippling small businesses. Local flower vendors, eateries and mom and pop shops would see a dramatic decline in business as 330 out of 380 jobs are shipped out and veterans are forced to bypass Hot Springs to get care from other facilities. VA management is heading down the path of dismantling its in-patient health care facilities across the nation, but communities are fighting back. Union leaders, Veteran Service Organizations and community activists are heading up a grassroots effort to keep the medical center open.

We want you to help out, too! The more signatures we get, the greater the chances are that the Department of Veterans Affairs comes up with an alternative solution to this matter--veterans deserve that much and more.

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