Shut Down Abusive Pet Shop in Chelsea, New York

An undercover investigation found awful abusive inside a "boutique" pet shop called the Chelsea Kennel Club in New York.

Sign the petition to demand the New York City Health Department shuts down this awful shop immediately!

The puppies at the shop were going weeks with untreated fevers, infections, coughs and other sicknesses. When asked by undercover customers about a coughing puppy, two separate employees lied and said the puppy had just developed the cough. If a puppy was sick, it would be kept in an "isolation room". To cut a puppy off from social contact is stunningly cruel.

"A few of the many dogs who were sick in the store include a Pomeranian whose eyes were swollen shut with conjunctivitis, a French bulldog puppy whose weight plummeted from 4.12 pounds to 3.08, an English bulldog puppy with severe pneumonia and a Shiba Inu with bronchitis," said the report. 

Not only were the dogs being treated poorly, but the shop was also not disclosing relevant information to potential puppy parents. Which meant people were bringing home really sick dogs or dogs not suited for the home they were going to. The undercover person noted that the shop showed a "shocking disregard" for their animals. Yet, they are touting themselves as experienced and healthy. 

The shop must be closed right now. Sign to take action!
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