Investigate Possible Horse Abuse With Repercussions

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Shelbyville Law Enforcement, Chief Jan Phillips

The celebration in Shelbyville, TN has been a long-standing tradition for many years with the world’s premiere horse shows.  However, this year’s event met with animal activists and protesters outside the gates of the festivities.  A horse rescue group has concerns about the care of the animals after showing the results that came of one of the walking horses, named Glen’s Ice Glimmer.  The animal ended up in an auction which is possibly destined to the slaughterhouse.

As stated at, “it’s a common destiny for horses that can no longer pass inspection because of scars left by their trainer.”   A retired veterinarian and former inspector, Dr. James states that “What I’m seeing is a horse that’s scarred. It’s visible right here. This is a horse, like all the other horses out there. Happens all the time.”

Leaders in the walking horse industry do dispute any allegations of improper treatment and care of the animals, stating “We want nobody disqualified, which is why we’re pushing so hard for objective, science-based testing.”    We are asking that this situation be thoroughly investigated to determine any wrongdoing regarding these horses. We want to ensure that the horses are treated properly and humanely.

Help us in our efforts to support the animal activists by asking for a full investigation into the trainers, owners and management of these horses and the festival.  If the investigation uncovers any wrongdoing, we will ask that the guilty parties are met with proper repercussions.  We need to be a voice for these horses before any further issues occur.  You can support this matter by signing and sharing this petition.

Shelbyville Law Enforcement, Chief Jan Phillips – There have been some allegations of inappropriate treatment of horses involved in the horse walking and celebrations in Shelbyville, TN and we are asking that you do a thorough investigation involving the horse trainers, owners and those involved in the celebration led by Mike Inman, the CEO. Ensure that if a thorough investigation reveals any wrongdoing, the appropriate people are charged and meet appropriate repercussions.

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