We want JUSTICE for Ryu!!!! ARREST THE MONSTER!!!!!

  • av: Alishia Smith
  • mottagare: Senator Joe Manchin; Governor Earl Ray Tomblin; Attorney General Patrick Morrisey; Sherriff Kenny Lemaster, Berkeley County; Berkeley County Prosecutor, Prosecuting Attorney Pamela Jean Games-Neely

Ryu Teran, was a six-year-old husky whose life was cut short by a monster. A monster who has no regard for life of any kind. This horrible person killed this wonderful, loving dog. He was cut from sternum down. He was gutted and hung by his neck on the family's gate just 50 yards from their front doorstep.

The Teran's 15-year-old son discovered him this way on a Saturday morning when he went to go see if the trash had been picked up yet. Ryu had gone missing from his run line Thurs. Sept 8, 2016 around 4:30 pm. His family started notifying the surrounding area as soon as they saw that he was gone. The evil person who did this cannot, and must not get away with this. This type of behavior is well documented as precursors of a serial killer.

Today makes two weeks since the day the family found their beloved Ryu. How much longer does his family have to go without answers, being ignored by law enforcement?? Living in fear because this was a blatant attack on the family. Why is it taking so long for any answers to come to light?

This person killed a wonderful animal who, with his other four legged pal have their own stockings on the mantel for Christmas. Danielle and Solomon spoil their animals as much as their own children, and that's saying something. Each animal they have has a "sibling", 2 dogs, 2 cats and had 2 ferrets. The dogs have their own swimming pool. If they visited family or friends their animals went with them. If there was a place that animals could not go, their animals stayed with family members because they wouldn't even trust the strangers in kennels. This isn't just some pet!! Ryu was a family member. This was child abuse towards their children to find their beloved family member like this. Ryu deserves to rest in peace and his family deserves answers. His family needs to be able to feel safe in their home.

The Teran's are known by neighbors that if you don't have food to eat or feed your family, you go to them. Their friends and family know them as the people who have even given the shirt off their own backs, literally, to strangers in need. If you need anything, if your family is in trouble, they will be there. So this attack, it was personal, it was not a random act. There is only 1 family that has ever had any problems with them. There is only 1 who had the means, motive, and depravity to do such a thing. Arrest the suspect you have!!!

Our issue, is that this was a horrible act of violence and disregard for life. This person is an obvious threat to our community.

Our Goal, is that we can get as many people behind Ryu and his family, that the cries of his family won't go unheard and this act won't go unpunished.
Who am I? I am a friend of the family. I am an animal lover. I am a mother. I am also not going to stop sharing and supporting the Teran family until JUSTICE is served.

****This is the only petition done with the permission of the Teran family****

#justiceforryu #ryustrong

For more information, see these sources:

The Humane Society: Reward offered in Berkeley County dog torture case

WJLA News: Family finds dog gutted, butchered, and hanging by neck from front gate of home

WOWK News: Reward offered for information in WV dog's death

Uppdatera #48 år sedan
I have downloaded the signatures we have so far. 128K is truly amazing. Thank you all so much for your continued support for wanting justice for Ryu and the Teran family. We are keeping the petition open until justice has been served. Please keep sharing his story. Thank you all again, much much love from the Ryu/Teran family!!!!
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Good morning Ryu family. I have set an end date of 10-02-2016 for this petition so that we can turn it over on 10-03-2016. Keep sharing and keep signing. THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH. As always much much love from the Teran family
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Each and every one of you who have signed and shared are amazing!!! Thank you all for wanting justice for Ryu and the Teran family!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
6K plus signatures in less than 17 hours!!! Thank you all!! Keep sharing, Keep posting! If we reach our goal tonight I can send it to them in the morning!!!
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